
At Monks Coppenhall Academy we believe passionately that our Personal Development curriculum and ‘No Outsiders’ ethos will equip pupils with knowledge to
make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. The aim is for our children to grow up to become happy, health and respectful global citizens in our ever-changing world.

Personal Development lies at the cornerstone of our school ethos. We are preparing children for life in modern Britain, developing and deepening their understanding of fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, rule of law, and mutual respect and tolerance. We believe all our children can leave our school confident and assured of their place in this diverse and changing world.


In Nursery, Relationships and Health Education is taught using ‘Stonewall Education for All’. This focuses celebrating differences and challenging gender stereotypes in Early Years Foundation Stage. Learning is centred around a given list of stories for the children to engage with. This learning is then reiterated through targeted provision.

In Reception to Year 6, The ‘No Outsiders’ scheme of work is used. In RSHE lessons, we use story books and real-life examples to facilitate learning. We
encourage thought provoking and meaningful discussions in which pupils will develop an understanding of importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.
Following guidance from the PSHE Association, we teach Personal Development in
three modules over the year: Relationships, Health and well-being and Living in the
wider world. Some aspects of the personal development curriculum are taught
through science, computing and RE. Please see the attached termly overviews for
more information.