Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy smiling and wearing uniform

To be the best
we can in mind,
body and spirit

Monks Coppenhall Academy is an inclusive, growing three-form entry academy with an 8 place resource provision and Nursery. 

The school is part of the Alexandra Academy Trust, which is a local trust based in Cheshire East.

Monks Coppenhall Academy & Nursery

At Monks Coppenhall Academy and Nursery, our educational vision is to be a place of excellence and enjoyment and have high aspirations for all our children. We want everyone to feel valued and achieve to the best of their potential.

We have very high expectations of behaviour, where all learners are given equal opportunities and treated fairly. We aim for children to feel safe and secure; we place a particular emphasis on meeting the emotional needs of our children. We aim for children to leave our Academy confident, happy and well equipped for the next phase of their education. Our very skilled team know each child well and want the very best outcomes for them.

We want children to enjoy learning and develop a love of learning. Children are at the heart of everything we do. The Children’s Council plays an active part in decision making within the Academy.

Photo of child from Monks Coppenhall Academy Smiling and doing craft activity

Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy learning

Our curriculum

Our exciting character-building curriculum has been designed to create opportunities to develop strong skills and knowledge within a safe, nurturing, enabling environment.

Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy in the calming cove

Our Nursery

Our Nursery Provides excellent care and high-quality education alongside engaging and memorable experiences for children below statutory school age in order to improve outcomes for children.

Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy reading outdoors

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Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy learning on computers

Keeping Safe

Photo of children at Monks Coppenhall Academy reading outdoors

Alexandra Academy Trust

Photo of child at Monks Coppenhall Academy learning

Key Information