Mission Statement and Aims

‘To be the best we can in mind, body and spirit’

Our educational vision is to be a place;

  • Of high aspirations, excellence, enjoyment and discovery.
  • Where everyone feels valued and achieves to the best of their potential.
  • Where self-discipline and very good behaviour is expected.
  • Where all learners are treated fairly and given equal opportunities.
  • Where learners are able to make positive contributions to society and are prepared for future technologies.
  • Where we create motivated, lifelong learners and safely use a range of technologies to enhance and support learning.


Through our character-building curriculum we aim to develop:

  • Resilience – by providing strategies to enable children to cope and recover quickly from difficulties and setbacks.
  • Empathy – by providing opportunities and experiences to place themselves in the ‘eyes, ears and heart’ of others.
  • Self-awareness – by developing an understanding of own strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, health, well-being and emotions.
  • Passion – by fostering a long term love, enthusiasm and excitement for learning
  • Excellence – by encouraging the growth of individual qualities in order to achieve their maximum potential, so that excellence becomes a habit.
  • Communication – by creating an open, inclusive and welcoming learning community where all forms of communication are valued and listened to, enabling children to be expressive, reflective and evaluative learners.
  • Teamwork – by encouraging self-discipline, unity, patience, and co-operation within a safe and secure environment to make responsible decisions to achieve a common goal.