At Monks Coppenhall Academy, we ensure our History curriculum helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through the use of key questions, we encourage children to think critically about the past, ‘like historians’. The teaching of History will help pupils gain an understanding of chronology, significant historical events and the way history has contributed to modern life. High quality lessons and resources encourage children to weigh evidence, sift arguments, develop perspective and form judgements.
We utilise a progression of skills document to guarantee that pupils cover all sections of the History syllabus and that a high-quality curriculum is taught throughout the Academy (years 1 – 6). In EYFS, pupils will be taught the skills from ‘Understanding the World’ progress of model for knowledge and skills. As an Academy, we ensure that History is integrated into the Adcademy’s breadth of study. Subject leaders direct planning through the use of high-quality teaching and learning resources via Key Stage History.
All programmes and schemes of work we use in Monks Coppenhall Academy and Nursery are in line with the National Curriculum.