British Values

At Monks Coppenhall Academy we promote British Values throughout school life and within our curriculum. We want all children to become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

We value and celebrate the diverse heritages of everybody at Monks Coppenhall Academy. We celebrate traditions and customs throughout the course of the year; for example, Harvest Festival during the Autumn term and Christingle at Christmas. We also value and celebrate national focusses, recent examples being; Macmillan Coffee Morning, Anti-bullying week and Safer Internet Day, with many more opportunities planned throughout the year to collaborate with the wider community and world e.g. Children In Need

Children, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. 

Throughout the Academy we have various ambassadors and councillors such as Sports Ambassadors, Eco-Councillors and School Councillors.  The election of these ambassadors reflects our British electoral system as pupils vote for their representative. 

Our school council is made up of one representative from each class. The school council meet regularly to discuss issues raised by the different classes and ensure that all pupil’s voices are heard. 

Pupil voice interviews- children are asked to respond and reflect on the teaching and learning they receive as well as make suggestions for the School Council to consider.

Pupils are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. 

Children also vote within their classroom e.g story book choice and bronze/silver/gold party choices.

Our behaviour policy 

Display of school rules in each classroom and around school (Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Your Best). These rules play a fundamental role in our behaviour policy and are linked to our RESPECT points throughout school.

The importance of rules and laws, whether they be those that govern our school or our country, are referred to and reinforced often, such as in assemblies and when reflecting on behaviour choices. 

Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws and the consequences when laws are broken. These values are reinforced in different ways:

  • Visits from authorities such as the police and fire service
  • Cycling Proficiency lessons enable children to understand the rules of the road and the potential dangers encountered should they break those rules.
  • During Religious Education, when rules for particular faiths are thought about

Alongside rules and laws, we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs. 

  • Behaviour policy and RSHE policy
  • Displays of children’s extra-curricular activities/clubs. 
  • Children’s key roles and responsibilities


Our pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms in our PSHE No Outsiders lessons. 

Children in Key Stage 2 are given key roles and responsibilities such as Play leaders, Playground Buddies, Reading Buddies, Sports ambassadors and Prefects.

Children at Monks Coppenhall Academy are encouraged to make choices knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Behaviour policy and Inclusion policy 
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Display of children’s activities

We have high expectations of achievement and behaviour; we listen and respect each other. We teach the children that conflict will be dealt with calmly and fairly. 

All members of the school family are valued equally; we are a ‘No Outsiders’ school. 

We celebrate each other’s achievements whether that be in or out of school through our RESPECT lanyards and Star of the Week 

Mutual respect across the age phases. E.g. Year 6 buddies and Kiva Ambassadors.

R.E. policy and Inclusion policy 

Monks Coppenhall Academy are proud to promote and celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Tolerance, politeness and mutual respect are at the heart of our aims, ethos and R.E curriculum.

Our pupils know and understand that it is expected that respect is shown to everyone and to everything, whatever differences we may have; we are a ‘No Outsiders’ school. 

Through Religious Education and PSHE we develop awareness and appreciation of other cultures. This is also evident art and music by considering cultures from other parts of the world.

Celebrating cultural differences through assemblies, themed weeks, noticeboards and displays.

Children are encouraged to share their own experiences when celebrating their own faith (e.g sharing their information about Christmas or Eid). 

‘Time to Think’ (Collective Worship) reflects and teaches the children tolerance for different faiths and beliefs. 

Whilst instances contrary to our values are rare, each is treated seriously in line with our policies and expectations.